Harder than I thought

I’ve spent the last 2 weeks considering what I should write about. The idea was to attempt to take a topic I’ve questioned during the week and then work through the learning process in the weekly post… Not really sure if I’ve questioned anything recently or — I have — and didn’t quite know how to explore the topic. Considering the last post was about taking action, id like to spend a bit of time on the issue I’m considering a roadblock at the moment.  HOW TO COMMUNICATE AN IDEA.

Society as a whole isn’t very good at this lol. We were taught in school to regurgitate the knowledge gathered during class into writing that aims to establish you know the subject matter enough to be graded on the understanding. The professor already knows the topic… they don’t want to read your paper … and they for sure aren’t looking for an original thought on an established lesson plan. So what do we do out in the real world? This blog isn’t for a work client or a text message thread. It’s not even really to a specific person. lastly, I’m not even sure of the specific topic. How in the world can I write if the basics aren’t covered?

Well, I was inspired by a YouTube video by a particularly fantastic channel, Answer in Progress.  This one hit super close to home as it actually answered why I feel I’m a terrible writer even though I’m pretty eloquent in my spoken life 🙂 for sure, this was a heaven-sent explanation of the scapegoating ive adhered to, and at half way, through my 30-minute writing time box, I need to get to whatever point I need to make here.

This is just a happy Saturday

The point today is really no point. It’s practice. it’s getting words into the CMS and delivering consistent proof of concept for creating the content and figuring out what that workflow looks like. That means you dear reader are my beta testers. Feel free to leave a comment if theres a question on your mind you’d like to work through together, let me know of some challenge you’ve worked through or are still struggling with. One day this page could be a community for us to exchange the ideas and learn new things a new way. On to the next action, See ya!

oh yeah – here’s a few photos from the last couple weeks or so… life’s been pretty chill. -Peace!